Paying for Climate Change

We’re all going to. Some more than others.

Right now, extreme heat in West Africa is damaging crops, leaving farmers and their families with greatly reduced income. Climate researchers with World Weather Attribution estimate the high temperatures were 10 times more likely due to human-caused climate change.

And how will that affect you and me? Well, cacao trees matter to us! You know, all that chocolate we love–especially at Easter as we break our Lenten fast!

The extreme heat in West Africa caused drought, which weakened the cacao trees. The cacao trees were already stressed from extreme rains the previous season. Thus the crop is down and chocolate prices are rising, as much as 50% for some products. Read all about it here.

And when you go shopping for Easter goodies, think about our West African neighbors struggling to feed their children. And think about how our comfortable climate-controlled lifestyle contributes to that. This world is a very small place.

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