Plastic Free July?!

How’s that for a challenge? I learned about it from the June newsletter of our Episcopal neighbors next door in the Diocese of Mississippi. And my first thought was, “Gee, if they can do it, we can do it!”

Care of Creation has free, reusable shopping bags with our logo on the side. Contact Deacon Bette Kauffman or Mother Meg Lovejoy if you want one. Or two!

In fact, Plastic Free July is a global movement and millions have signed on to it. The basic idea is to raise awareness, of course, and to motivate people to look for alternatives to single-use plastic. To that end, the website includes a quiz to help you learn about the peskiest plastics, plus lots of ideas about how to participate in Plastic Free July.

Why do this? Because recycling is not enough, folks. It’s better than nothing, but the hard truth is we need to break our addiction to single use plastic.

Will we achieve an entirely plastic free month? Not likely. But once we’ve found alternatives and spent a month learning that we can, in fact, use less plastic, we’ll be unstoppable!

Let’s go, Western Louisiana. Can’t let Mississippi get ahead of us now!

6 responses to “Plastic Free July?!”

  1. Yes! We can. Someone in our wee church bought “real” coffee cups with our classic building image on them so we now can stop buying styrofoam! Essayons!


  2. great idea and I accept the challenge. The reusable bags are in my car I just need to remember to take them into the store.


    • Hah, hah! I have been known to forget my bags as well. So… a couple of times, after getting all the way into the store, I MADE MYSELF walk all the way back to the car to get them. I don’t forget so much anymore! 🙂


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